When preparing chicken it is extremely important to ensure proper internal temperature as well as appropriate handling techniques. Undercooked and raw chicken can contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella. It is essential that chicken is cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees to prevent these types of food poisonings. Using a food thermometer can measure the internal temperature of the chicken and prevent undercooking. It is also important that chicken is never “pre” cooked; this can cause additional bacteria to spread.
When preparing chicken, it is equally important to follow proper handling techniques. You should never wash the poultry before cooking. This can spread bacteria to areas around your sink and countertop. Additionally, you should also thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap after handling raw poultry.
- Reach 165 Degree Internal Temperature
- Thoroughly Wash Hands after Handling
- Never Wash Chicken before Cooking
- Carefully Clean Cooking and Preparation Areas
- Never Partially Cook Chicken
Typical baking methods for chicken can take up to 45 minutes to an hour to cook, whereas classic grilling methods can take 20 minutes. With the American Griddle Company’s Steam Shell Griddle, safel cooking chicken can be cooked in half the time without overcooking or drying out. With our patented Steam Shell Lid, poultry is cooked evenly while retaining moisture and flavor.
Chicken Breast
4oz-4 Minutes
5oz-5 Minutes
6oz-6 Minutes
6oz-6 Minutes
10oz-20 Minutes
Quarters Marinated
10oz-16/18 Minutes