While it’s true that too many cooks spoil the kitchen, it’s also true that one unprepared cook can do just as much damage. That’s why we think it’s important to remind you of the following critical steps to preparing and serving delicious food.
Step One: Do your research. Make sure you know what you want to cook, how to cook it, and check to see that you have all of the proper tools and ingredients before you get started. A little bit of forward thinking goes a long way.
Step Two: Start with a clean, safe kitchen. This is especially important if you run an industrial kitchen, since OSHA requires certain standards for a reason. Besides that, if your kitchen is tidy, it makes accessing your tools and ingredients all the easier.
Step Three: Follow the plan… up to a point. While recipes and instructions make good guidelines to follow, the people who write them are not omniscient. Sometimes what’s needed to set your meal apart is a little experimentation and sense of adventure. Hence this list of winning recipes found through experimentation. If you work in an industrial kitchen, however, just be sure that you have permission to fiddle with the plan, and be sure to test your changes in advance and on a small scale first, just in case all does not go as planned.
Step Four: Keep the dishes hot from the pot to the plate. This is perhaps the most overlooked point. While much effort often goes into preparing food, all too often little regard is given to the process of keeping the dishes fresh and hot until they’re served.
That’s where we come in! For more information on our world-class industrial food warmers, please feel free to contact us.