There are hundreds of thousands commercial, industrial and institutional kitchens that must have a way to rethermalize food safely. During the rethermalization process food is re-heated to safe temperatures. Once this is done the food will be ready for consumption.
In order for the rethermalization process to be successful, the food must initially be cold after having gone through some type of preparation method. There are many methods that can be utilized to cook and rethermalize food. It’s important for commercial, industrial and institutional kitchens to have the necessary equipment that can safely and effectively perform these tasks. Our Dual Purpose line is ideal for high capacity rethermalizing kitchens, the smart controller will hold the product in a refrigerated state overnight, at the given time the controller will automatically turn off the refrigeration and turn on the rethermalizing cycle, this will run the Fluid Shelves up to 230F and bring the food up to safe temperatures in the HACCP approved time period. Once the rethermalized food reaches temperature, the controller will turn the heat down to a safe holding temperature for the product to be served.
When it comes to reheating cool portions of a meal an industrial conduction oven is also effective. It will reheat food by providing a hot surface that can warm up a plate of food. These ovens are versatile and can be used to cook and reheat foods. There are few if any other pieces of equipment that can take a product to an exact temperature, hold it there for a determined amount of time plus or minus 1 degree.
There are many other ways to accomplish rethermalizing, here are just a few:
- On a low scale one way to quickly and easily rethermalize food is with the use of a large microwave. It can heat entire meals or certain portions of a meal. This can be used in an industrial, commercial or institutional setting to prepare specialized meals, however it can be time consuming and labor intensive.
- A popular method for rethermalization food is with a hot water bath. Doing this enables food to be brought to an acceptable temperature for an extended period of time during meal service. This is a popular method that is used in a cafeteria setting where tray lines are utilized. One of the only drawbacks to hot water baths is the are not versatile and can not be utilized in many other manners, not to mention the labor behind this product can be costly.
- When it comes to utilizing ovens to reheat bulk foods a large convection combination oven can be used. This method also provides food at a safe temperature for use on a tray line or at a cafeteria food line.
- A thermoconvection oven brings food up to safe temperature for consumption by using a high degree of hot air in a confined area for a certain length of time. This is an effective method that can be used in almost all food rethermalizing situations. However, these cabinets often need large footprints as there capacity is determined by allowing enough space and room for the hot air to circulate.
Today commercial, industrial and institutional kitchens need to have technologically advanced equipment to help save time and energy in the kitchen. They need to be able to provide a way to cook and rethermalize food on a large scale, without sacraficing food quality. We often forget, no matter what the setting, at all institutions meal time is one of the best parts of the day for the residents and their families, providing them with the best quality of food is job one.
Contact us today and learn how our products can help any business or organization meet their food preparation needs.